INSPIRARE VOCAL ENSEMBLE is a self-supporting ministry. If you would like to aid in our ministry, we would be very blessed if you could donate any amount via Zelle using the QR code below:


We also accept donations via PayPal/Credit Card via this link, although it is the less preferred method.

If you have reached this page but are wondering what we do, feel free to visit our About Us page.

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Thank you so much for your support!


SPONSORSHIP DETAILS FOR Advent Euphonic Chorale CONCERT (Hosted by Inspirare Vocal Ensemble) - July 28, 2024

Would you like to be a sponsor for the upcoming Advent Euphonic Chorale (AEC) concert on July 28, 2024? Here are the options:

$2000 Concert Grand Sponsor - Back cover advertisement, only 1 spot available (still available)

$1000 Diamond Sponsor - Back inside/front inside advertisement, only 2 spots available (1 spot left)

$750 Platinum Sponsor - Full page advertisement

$400 Main Sponsor - Half page advertisement

$250 Support Sponsor - Quarter page advertisement

$200 and up: Gold Contributor - will be recognized in our program as Gold Contributors.

$100 and up: Silver Contributor - will be recognized in our program as Silver Contributors.

$50 and up: Bronze Contributor - will be recognized in our program as Bronze Contributors.

Advertisements will be posted on social media links and thr program playbill. All contributors and sponsors will be recognized and are entitled to VIP tickets.

To finalize becoming a sponsor, you can use any Donate buttons on this page. After clicking “Donate” don’t forget to put a note indicating that you are a sponsor (if you plan to be a Concert Grand Sponsor or Diamond Sponsor, please inquire first if it is available by sending an email to

For all advertisements/logos, please send them to Also, please indicate if you will attend the concert or not.

Thank you very much!